“American Artifact: The Rise of American Rock Poster Art” movie
American Artifact chronicles the rise of American rock poster art since its birth in the ’60s.
Director Merle Becker crosses the country interviewing rock poster artists from the different eras to discover that America is currently in the midst of a 21st century “rock poster art movement”, where thousands of artists around the country are doing silk screened rock poster art inspired by their local scene, the music of our time, and the spirit of our era.
The film features interviews with renown artists including Stanley Mouse, Victor Moscoso, Frank Kozik, Art Chantry, EMEK, Tara McPherson, Derek Hess, COOP, Jay Ryan, and more, as well as fans, collectors, and musicians.
Scheduled release for the film is June 20th, 2009.
(I stole this from Swiss Legacy)