Chipp Kidd tomorroww nightt inn Tulsaa

This is going to be great. Be sure to get there early. At least 5:00. At Philbrook.

We have limited seating in the main auditorium. It is first-come, first-served.
Overflow seating will be in a room with a live video feed.
No food. Eat before you get there. Cash bar.
ADCT and Philbrook members are free. Non-members are $7.50.
Semi-annual ADCT memberships will be available for $50 at the door.

EVEN if Mr. Kidd doesn’t see Tulsa as important enough to mention on his website, we’re excited. I saw him speak in Dallas for the DSVC back in 2003 or 04. I don’t know. Anyway, it was really great. During the question and answer portion of the evening, I felt compelled to ask something… poignant. I wanted to ask something creative and compelling, but still somewhat ironic, or self-effacing.

Of course, at the time, I knew exactly NO ONE at the lecture. I was sitting completely by myself and when I stood up to ask the question I was immediately beet red. And so I asked: “If Chip Kidd were a car… what kind of car would you be?”

The entire room of about 300 people immediately stopped what they were doing and stared directly into my increasingly reddening face.


Mr. Kidd seemed kind of “put off” by the question. And while it was, on some level, my intention to catch him off guard, I hadn’t properly considered the consequences of such. He took a couple of seconds, which felt like about an hour, to muster his answer.

“I’d be a d!©k-mobile. A f*#king d!©k-mobile.”

The end. Wow. Ok. I pretended to make a note in my sketchbook and quickly sat down. Everyone was trying to laugh without laughing. It was awful and amazingly awesome at the same time. I was kind of proud of myself for doing something I would normally NEVER EVER do. Anyway. The thing ended and everyone went home.

Then the DSVC had their year-end meeting a few months later, and started off with a re-cap quiz. To my surprise, one of the questions was, “Who said that if they were a car, they would be a f*#king d!©k-mobile?” It was the most glorious recognition of my utterly stupid that I could have ever asked for. I still count it amongst my favorite memories.

I won’t likely ask a question this time.

2 thoughts on “Chipp Kidd tomorroww nightt inn Tulsaa

  1. Jennifer Hanley

    That’s hilarious, Denny. And you should totally ask him that question again. If for no other reason than it would make me (and presumably anyone else who has read this post and is planning to attend the ADCT meeting) laugh my butt off.

  2. Mary Beth

    I LOVE IT! What a great story. I could feel the heat from your face while you described it in your story. A guy came in the shop today and bought a couple of your prints. I took him to your site and found out about Chip Kidd through you! I’ve been telling alot of guests today about the evening. THANKS FOR BEING SO FREAKIN TALENTED! p.s. I will write you a check at the beginning of February! I’ve sold more of your artwork! Mary Beth


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